

Thursday, December 3, 2015


I used to think yoga was so boring and was a snooze fest. I probably thought this because I had actually never tried it. You know what they say... don't judge a book by its cover. And boy is that a very true quote when it comes to yoga. I didn't know that yoga could be fast paced and actually get your heart rate up. There are different types of yoga, but the one I went to was hard, completely opposite of the nap time I thought it was going to be. Basically this is what I looked like trying the poses for the first time:

Who knew it would be so hard to keep your balance...I sure didn't. 

This all get me thinking, what are the benefits of yoga? There has to be a lot because it seems like everyone is into yoga. So I did some research and here are a few benefits I found.

Yoga reduces stress. Come on, we're college students and we are all stressed so maybe we all need a little yoga in our lives.

Yoga improves sleep patterns. Again, we're in college and we all have messed up sleep patterns. WE NEED SLEEP so therefore WE NEED YOGA.

Yoga boots oxygen flow. And oxygen is very important. 

Yoga can ease chronic pain. I don't have much chronic pain, but if you do, head to yoga!

Yoga increases range of motion, flexibility and balance. By doing more yoga, I won't look like Stitch up there every time.

Yoga can balance your emotions. I'm a girl and have crazy emotions, so yoga could be good for me.

SOOO if you like what you read and you're always jealous of those girls who can do crazy yoga poses on histogram, get out and go try some yoga!!!! It's another way that you can stay


As you probably already know, I LOVE cookies. My perfect day would be a day where cookies were healthy and good for you ;) a girl can dream... I was scrolling through youtube the other day looking up different fitness videos and I found this gem. Watch and enjoy:

Cookie Monster said it best, if you walk past a plate of cookies but you know that if you eat one you will go over your calorie intake for the day. So what do you do? You want it, but you must wait!!!

So next time you rrreeeeaaallllly want that cookie, just sing this song to yourself so you can still be 

Habits of Healthy People.

The other day I read an article about healthy people and their habits. I read them and thought to myself hmm seems simple, maybe I should replace my not so healthy habits with these.

Here's what they were:

1. They are actively aware of their food choices. At first thought, that seems really simple. And then I realized that most of the time I am pretty aware of my food choices but I just choose to choose the unhealthy option, so that needs to stop soon.

2. Consistently monitor their health. This goes along with watching what they eat but it is also more than that. It's monitoring your heart rate and your workouts. This is something I kind of do, but definitely could be doing a lot better

3. Stay the course even when it's difficult. This one really slapped me in the face. It gets hard and I back out as soon I can and head straight to my comfort food. I have got to STOP doing this asap. If I ever want to get better I have to learn to stay on track.

4. Experiment with new habits. I think I do a pretty good job looking for new things to try and experiment. Whether that be new recipes or new workout routines.

After reading these I decided my new habit should be that I shouldn't settle and never quit trying to improve myself and aim towards a better version of me!! So adopt these habits and maybe even make your own and you can keep on getting


I am someone who has a hard time eating leafy greens, and everyone out there says you need those and lots of it. It helps keep you full, can give you great skin and hair, is very very healthy and many other great reasons. Well anyways, I'm kinda picky when it comes to veggies and I only like green beans and broccoli. But recently I found a solution for this problem...and it's called green smoothies!!!! I like use a recipe by Kimberly Snyder and she calls it the "Glowing Green Smoothie" or GGS for short. One serving of GGS has over 3 cups of dark leafy green vegetables, which if you didn't know is more than some people get in a week!

So here's what you'll need:

  • 1-2 cups very cold, filtered water
  • ¾ pound organic romaine lettuce, rough chopped, about 1 head
  • ½ head large bunch or small bunch organic spinach
  • 3-4 organic celery stalks, halved
  • 1 organic apple, cored, seeded, quartered
  • 1 organic pear, cored, seeded, quartered
  • 1 organic banana, peeled
  • ½ fresh organic lemon, peeled, seeded
  • bunch organic cilantro with stems 
  • bunch organic parsley with stems

And then,
- Place water, romaine, spinach, celery, and optional ingredients, if using, into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid
- Starting the blender on a low speed, blend until smooth.
- Gradually moving to higher speeds Add apple, pear, banana and lemon to the blender and blend until smooth.

Now, I know you're thinking "ew that sounds so gross" and trust me, I thought that too. But I am telling you the truth when I say it actually tastes really good. Like I said earlier, I'm picky and I enjoy this smoothie. So if you are someone like me and don't like to eat leafy greens, MAKE THIS SMOOTHIE!!! It will change your life.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Little Laugh.

Sometimes life gets hard and going to the gym gets boring, so I like to lighten the mood and look up funny workout gifs. Here's a few of favorites that really seem to be examples of me either in the gym or once I've gone home.

When the weights seem so heavy but in reality it's like 5 pounds.

When you know you need to run but your legs just can't handle another mile.

When you did pushups yesterday and you decide to try them again today.

When you have to workout at home so you teach your dog the workout so he/she doesn't get in your way ;) 

When you finally understand that weird squat you've been trying for a week.

When your workout is over and you're actually feeling pretty good.

See!! Working out can be fun! Next time you're feeling sore and thinking to yourself that no one else has the same problems as you do, just look up workout gifs and you will get to laugh at someone else's pain.

Heart Rate Monitors.

These days it seems like heart rate monitors are all the rage and that you have to get one if you think you're fit. (I'll admit it, I bought into it and I bought myself one). But what's the big deal? And which ones are even good? Great questions :) Here's some great options of different ones.
First we have the apple watch. This is one of the way more pricer options (the cheapest watch starting at $350) but it does a lot more than just check your heart rate.

Next we have the FitBit Charge HR. There are other FitBits out there, but not all of them have heart rate monitors with them. This one is priced around $149.
Jawbone has many products as well, but not all have heard rate options. The one pictured is a Jawbone UP 3 and will cost you around $179.

If you aren't really into wearing things on your wrists, there are many other options out there. You can find some that strap on your chest, some that clip on to your shirt, and with the advancing technology I bet there will be many other options very soon. 

With these you can track your workouts and also your daily heart rate. You can see how many calories you burned during a workout and a lot of them can also tell you how many steps you took throughout the day.

So get on out there and get yourself one of these so you can watch your heart rate and watch yourself get more


Man is it hard to stay healthy during the holidays. All your family comes over and everyone seems to bring their own unhealthy food option (mostly pie). It seems impossible to eat clean and not feel like you've gained 300 pounds with each holiday meal. So what's a healthy-ish girl to do??? One thing you can do that will make a big difference is swap out foods. Here's a chart I found on hello healthy that you can follow when enjoying the next big holiday family meal you have.

So next time you're making any of those foods on the left, swap it out for the food on the right and you could end up saving LOTS of calories so you can still call yourself 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Breakfast Drinks.

My mom is really into breakfast drinks. Slim Fast, Carnation Breakfast Essentials, and any others that make for a quick breakfast on the go. Since she was always stocking up on these, I thought I would start drinking them since I tend to always wake up late. At first I was loving it. It's yummy and chocolaty, so what could be wrong with it?? Funny that you ask... Let's look at the nutrition label, this is for a Slim Fast.

17 GRAMS OF SUGAR???? For those of you who don't know...that is a lot! So it's kind of weird that these are considered "weight loss drinks" because I don't see how you are aiming to lose weight by drinking 17 grams of sugar just for breakfast. After I learned this information (or actually read the nutrition label), I quickly backed away from the drink. I was a little sad, because this is such a quick breakfast but quick isn't always the best. So now I'm back to eating oatmeal in the morning, which is still semi-quick, but much less sugar. 

So next time you're really loving something and put into daily life, check the label so you can make sure it's 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Accountability Partner.

Or as I like to call it an accountabilibuddy. This is a friend who keeps you accountable on your journey to a healthier life. I have an accountabilibuddy and we do many different things to keep each other on track. Here's a few tricks that my buddy and I use.

Workout together. We like to go to the same spin class so we can encourage each other and also to make sure the other actually shows up to the class. Even when on the days when there isn't a spin class for us to go to, we like to go lift weights with each other. Again, so we know the other didn't skip a workout and to make sure we both complete the workout and just wimp out when it gets too hard.

Text each other. We try to text throughout the day and keep each other motivated. In fact, today I told her to text me throughout the day and say "don't you dare eat bad!" The reminders are nice and help keep me on track. Especially when it's been a rough day and I'm very tempted to eat some cookies.

Be open and honest. Having an accountability partner is pointless if you aren't going to be honest with them. When you mess up one day and drink a lot of Dr. Pepper and skip your work out, you need to tell them!! Your buddy is there to encourage and help you, and if you're lying or hiding stuff how are they going to help you?? So just like Honest Abe said, tell the truth always!

Be there for them. If you want someone to be there for you and help you out, you have to do the same thing for them. You will both need each other so be there! Getting healthy is hard and you will need a support system. 

Added bonus: working out together can be a perfect girl time/vent session :) 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Food Through a Window.

Going to the drive through is bad, we all know it and yet we all do it. WHY DO WE DO IT???? It's easy, fast, yummy, cheap and so many other reasons. But let's talk about the not so good things about it. It's packed with empty calories and fat, it leaves you feeling sick, and if you do often the pounds will add up quick.

So let's break up with fast food. I've been trying to avoid eating there unless absolutely necessary, and it is, I pick the healthier option. How do we go about breaking up with fast food?

Make meals before you leave the house. Making food before you leave, or even at the beginning of the week save you time for those days you are so busy you want to cry. When it's made before hand you won't have to be running around the kitchen in a panic trying to whip dinner up really quick. That way, on your way home from work you won't be tempted to stop by and get fast good because you know you have it all made waiting for you at home.

Have a snack in your car/in your desk at work. We all make terrible decisions when we are hungry. So always have a healthy snack with you and then you won't be starving later and end up snacking on a whole bag of chips or cookies. Some snacks I like to keep close are almonds, baby carrots, apple with peanut butter, or trail mix! These will help tide you over until dinner time.

Take the long way. If you're like me and you have awful self-control when it comes to food, do yourself a favor and don't drive by your favorite fast food place. So many times I haven't even been that hungry but I drove by my beloved Chic-fil-a or McDonald's and I headed straight for the line. THIS IS A NO NO! Take a different route, it's as easy as that.

It's time to break up with fast food, and if you're having a hard time doing that just use the over used  break up line "it's not you it's me."


I've never been much of a runner, actually I think it's fair to say that I used to hate running. But recently I decided that maybe a little bit of running won't kill me. It's great cardio and it's not that bad while watching Netflix. Also running has TONS of benefits.

- Builds stronger bones
- Gives you energy boosts
- Gives you nice legs and core
- Helps you sleep better
- You don't need a gym to run
- Shows your heart some loving!

If you're ever bored on a gloomy day check out run to the finish, she's convinced me to start running!!

Now I'm not saying I am going to go out and run 12 miles a day, but I think aiming for 30 minutes every other day is pretty doable. Doing the same workout over and over again can get pretty boring, so adding in running was a way for me to spice it up a little bit. So if you aren't running at all and are getting bored with your workout regimen, maybe consider adding some running.

So let's get out there and start running so we don't look like the bottom picture ;) and we can stay 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


So I fell off the wagon and went on a week or so of not working out and snacking and eating really bad (like lots of queso and Dr. Pepper bad). Oops... But let's be honest, it's going to happen because we are human and sometimes life gets hard. It's easy to stop eating healthy and head straight for your pantry full of snacks like chips, candy and cookies. But once you go off a track, how do you get back on? It's hard. REALLY hard. Here's a few tips that have helped me get back on track and stay away from snacking.

1. Throw out those foods that constantly tempt you. I found that the only way I won't snack on Doritos and Oreos is if I don't have them in the house! It's an easy fix. If you have that one snack that is keeping you from getting back on track and you find yourself binge snacking on it..THROW IT AWAY!  Seems pretty simple right? Because it is!

2. Have a food to fall back on if you do want to snack. There's nothing wrong with getting a little hungry after dinner, but you have to be ready for it. Have some healthy little treats in your pantry. I like chocolate rice cakes, they are yummy and chocolaty and only have 60 calories (which is pretty good compared to 3 Oreos which have 160 calories).

3. Make a routine. If I brush my teeth and floss after dinner, I notice that I am much less likely to snack. It's like that clean mouth feeling is reminding my teeth that they are off duty for the night. So since they are off duty I go for a big glass of water instead!

4. Put your snack on a plate. By doing this, you are giving yourself a limit of how much snacking you can do. DO NOT take the whole bag with you to go sit on the couch and watch tv. Before you know it you will have eaten almost the whole bag in one sitting.

Basically, be prepared. If you're prepared for hunger then you won't end up over eating. Life gets busy and hard and it's easy to snack on the bad foods, but if you're ready for those times then it'll seem easier to pick the good foods and before you know it you will be turning down those foods that used to be your favorites snacks. And then you'll be back on track to getting

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thirsty Thursday.

That's right, it's Thirsty Thursday! But does that mean you should run as quick as you can to the first cocktail/beer/choice of drink you can get your hands on? I would say probably not. Alcohol is often times a "no-no" for people who are trying to watch their weight or get more fit, and I think I have to agree. However, there are ways you can still enjoy it.

Alcohol triggers overeating. It makes the aromas from food seem more appealing. So when you go get drinks with your girlfriends/buddies before dinner, you end up ordering a bigger meal and then end up eating much more than you normally would. Drinking alcohol also leads to those late night snacks and binges. I know that at least 90% of you all reading this end up going to Taco Bell after a late night out drinking.

Alcohol is packed with calories. It has 7 calories per gram, and that's just the alcohol part. Most drinks are mixed with sugary and sweetened drinks and flavors. One cocktail could end up being around 400 calories!! Here's average calories of some drinks: 5 ounces of red or white wine is 125 calories, 12 ounces of light beer is 100 calories, 1.5 ounces of vodka is 96 calories. Just a few drinks at a night out could end up being 1,500 calories. So if you do decide to get a drink, go for the lower calorie drinks and watch out for margaritas, sugary mixed drinks, mudslides and other sweet cocktails.

So am I saying to stay away from Thirsty Thursdays forever? No! There are ways you can enjoy a drink at dinner and still be on the right track. Here are some helpful hints to make sure you don't overload the calories with drinks.

- Limit yourself to two drinks.
- Avoid the higher calorie drinks.
- Drink water between your alcoholic drinks so you can stay hydrated.
- Sip slowly and take time to finish each drink.
- Try to keep your calorie budget below 200 calories.

So go ahead and enjoy this great Thursday, but be sure to pay attention to what you're drinking so you can make sure to stay

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Spin Class.

Recently I have been really into going to spin class (or cycle, whatever you want to call it), and I am LOVING it. My dad is a biker. He does a race once a week and basically bikes every other day of the week also. I decided I would give it a try because he was always talking to me about it and saying how much he loved it. So I decided I would try it out and see what the hype was all about.

So I said to myself, "I'll try it! Everyone says its so fun, so let's do this!!!" And then walked into the class excited and thinking it would be fun and easy, like a bike around the neighborhood.

But boy was I wrong... The instructor starts the class and by minute 5 I was already panting like a dog and ready to be done when the instructor said "great warmup everyone!" WARMUP?? That was the warmup??? How was I ever going to last another 55 minutes...

After deciding it would be too embarrassing to walk out of the class after only being there for 5 minutes, I gave myself a quick pep talk and decided to keep on pedaling! After the exhaustion left me  and the music playing in the background hyped me up and left me singing along to forget how bad my legs were hurting, I thought to myself "hey look this isn't that bad, I'm getting the hang of it and it's actually kind of fun! 

After the hour was up, I hopped off my bike and walked out of class drenched it sweat, and gave myself I mental pat on the back. I was proud of myself, I had finished it and didn't die. I had accomplished the task that seemed impossible!

I woke up the next morning feeling like I had been hit by a train. NEVER had I been that sore before. Muscles in my legs I didn't even know existed were sore, I could barely walk!

But even though my legs were telling me no, I went back to spin class that evening and did it all over again. I did it for the legs that spin would give me one day!

After all of the soreness and thoughts of "I am never doing this again," I continue to go back to spin. Everyone who told me it was a great workout and that I would love it was right. It's cardio and building your legs up, and sometimes even we get off the bike and lift weights. It's the total package! So if you haven't tried a spin class, hop off the computer right now and head to spin! You will learn to love it just like I did and you'll be one step closer to being 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What I Ate Wednesday.

Knowing what to eat while still being healthy can be pretty tough. It was one of the hardest things for me to figure out when I started on this health kick. Snacking was especially hard, I didn't think having snacks was a healthy thing to do. Because of this, I decided I would start a little series of blogs! Each Wednesday I will do a "What I Ate Wednesday" and document my meals and snacks throughout the day. So if you're out there and have NO idea what to eat, you can follow my example if you want or base your days meals off mine!

I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast every day, which seems boring, but it's easy to make and I know it'll keep me full for around 3 hours. Here's what I ate: Good old fashioned oatmeal! I ate 1/2 cup and then added Stevia and cinnamon for flavor. Also with my oatmeal I ate 2 egg whites and then strawberries. What a YUMMY (and healthy) breakfast!

I mix it up with my lunches so my days aren't too boring! But today I had deli turkey and spinach on 100 calorie orowheat bread thins, 1/4 cup almonds, grapes, and a banana. Doesn't seem like much but it keeps me feel and I snack between meals (I'll list the snacks at the end)!

CHIPOTLE!! That's right, I had Chipotle for dinner, and who doesn't love Chipotle?? Now listen before you go all crazy and load up all the ingredients you can fit in the have to eat things like this in moderation. Here's what I got in my burrito bowl: chicken, pinto beans, fajita vegetables, roasted chli-corn salsa, tomato red-chili salsa and romaine lettuce. I checked the nutrition calculator on Chipotle's calculator and my burrito bowl was around 435 calories, not too shabby!

There's lots of different snacks you can eat in moderation and still be healthy. Here's what I snacked on today: 52 pretzel sticks, one low fat honey graham cracker, low fat string cheese and more strawberries!

And that wraps up What I Ate Wednesday! I hope that helps you out when prepping for a days worth of meals. Be sure to keep your meals 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Staying on Track.

I've come to a point in my fitness journey where I am not seeing results at the moment. I'm sure this happens to everyone who is trying to get fit or become more healthy, but it doesn't make it any easier. I feel like I have been working very hard to see a difference and I'm just not seeing any. I bet this is a point where a lot of people get frustrated and down and decide to quit and head back to fast food and not exercising. That would be easy, and I believe that good things in life do not come easy. I always see and hear people say that "it takes 3 weeks for you to notice a difference, 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world." I just changed my diet and exercise routine a week and a half ago, so maybe I am just stuck in the before 3 weeks stage. There's this quote I heard a few years ago and it's stuck with me and challenges me to push myself especially in situations like this... Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment. Because at the moment I want to quit and go eat burgers and queso and drink Dr. Pepper, but I really want to see results in the end.

Sometimes it is hard to not feel this way and want to give up on yourself, but here are ways that keep me on track and help me stick to my routines:

1. Take Progress Pictures: I know this seems like a "gym rat" thing to do, but it's encouraging to look back and see how far you've come! I took my first progress pic at the beginning of the summer and before looking back at it I didn't think that I had changed very much, but boy was I wrong! So take a picture, and if you're embarrassed about it don't show anyone. It can just be for your own encouragement. 

2. Find a Workout Buddy: It's much easier to head to the gym when you know you have a friend waiting for you there, and it's also great accountability. You can keep one another on track and encourage each other to workout and eat healthy even when you aren't the mood.

3. Stay Consistent: I find it is easier to hop out of bed and head to the gym in the morning because I have been consistent in going every morning. If I stick to one workout schedule/regimen it isn't as
difficult because I don't have the feeling that I am starting something new and tough.

4. Have a Cheat Meal: Notice I said cheat MEAL, not cheat day!!! I think that cheat meals are a way to reward yourself with a fattening meal or treat without reversing all your hard work and training of that week. (Advice: try to keep your cheat meals 900 calories or under).


So if you're feeling frustrated and want to quit, DON'T!!! Keep hanging in there and I promise it will be worth it. The hard work is worth when you finally start to feel

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Healthy Sweet Treats.

You read it right! There are such things as healthy sweet treats, and here's one of my favorites. This is a recipe for a healthy take on the beloved Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I'll probably be making this every week because it is so delicious and makes me not miss chocolate so much ;)

- Chocolate flavored protein powder of your choice (for this I used UNJURY which is also a meal replacement which can be found here)
- Fat free or low fat milk (I LOVE organic milk, so that is what I used)
- Bell Plantation PB2 powdered peanut butter (can be found at your local grocery store)
- Water

Let's get started! First put 7 tablespoons of PB2 and 1/3 cup of water into a bowl and mix until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Next, you will mix one scoop of protein powder and 1/3 cup of milk. You can either do this in a bowl or in a shaker bottle. I mixed mine in a shaker bottle so it was quick and easy!

Next, spoon in the peanut butter mixture into tinfoil muffin wrappers and place in a muffin pan. This recipe only makes about 5, so if you want a bigger serving just add in more ingredients!

After you've spooned all the peanut butter in, you will pour the protein mix on top and let it fall around the sides as well. 

Almost done! Place the pan in the freezer and allow to freeze for 4 hours. Once frozen, allow around 3-5 minutes to thaw and then dig in! It's best if you eat it while it is still chilled or will start to melt and be a bit messy.

And there you have it, a healthy sweet treat! 

So head on into your kitchen and make some of these cups so you can continue to be 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fast Food.

So let's talk about it. Is it ever healthy? If I want to be healthier will I have to never get food out of a window again? These and many others are questions I asked myself when I started this health kick, and the answer I found surprised me. For all you out there wondering, the answer food can be okay! Now before you get all excited and head straight to McDonald's and get a Big Mac, you have to know what to eat and start to look at calories before you venture to the drive through. If you're asking yourself if this is legit and if I even know what I'm talking about, the answer is yes. One of my trainers told me that the McDonald's Southwest Chicken Salad was a good meal if you are in a hurry and can't eat at home. I took that information and compared calories and made a list of other fast food meals that would be okay if I was in a rush. So here's my go-to quick meals!

First up is the McDonald's Southwest Chicken Salad I mentioned earlier.

This yummy salad is 330 calories with grilled chicken (always go for grilled!!!) before the dressing. If you're a ranch lover like me and eat it even though you know it isn't the healthy option, you're adding 200 more calories. However, if you choose the southwest dressing the salad originally comes with, you're only adding 150 more calories. 

If salads aren't your thing, then head on over to Chic-fil-A and grab yourself some grilled chicken nuggets. These bad boys are 140 calories for the 8-count and 200 calories for the 12-count. Now I know it is going to be tempting to go to Chic-fil-A and not get their amazing waffle fries, but don't do it!!! You're adding 400 calories just for abmedium fry. Don't fret, there are other side options! You can get a fruit cup for 50 calories, a side salad for 80 calories, or a greek yogurt parfait for 120 calories.


We all know Subway can be healthy, but if you start piling up all the not so good for you ingredients on your sandwich, the calories can start to add up. Here's my usual: 6 inch wheat bread with provolone cheese, lettuce, red onions, spinach, avocado and no dressing (which is tough but the best decision if you're watching calories) and all that adds up to be around 320 calories. So head to Subway and experiment and find your own healthy creation. 

(For additional ideas and fast food meals check out this article).

Well I hope that helps you out next time you're in a time crunch and still want to be

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Workout Gear.

Is buying expensive and fancy workout gear worth it? Before I started working out a lot I was the girl who did every workout in Nike shorts. However, one day I woke up and realized there has to be more out there besides shorts that ride up with every step you take while on a run. Then I found what I had been waiting for...PANTS! Pants were the answer to all of my workout problems. They don't ride up when you're running, they don't get stuck in weird places or start to fall down when moving around a lot, they were everything I needed and more! They are perfect for many different workouts: yoga, weight lifting, cycle, running or even just casual wear! At first I was nervous about wearing pants, especially in the summer because it's so dang hot. But if I'm being honest, it doesn't even feel like I have any bottoms on. So let's talk about what pants do I like and how affordable/pricey they are.

These are one of my favorite pairs of pants. They are thin so you don't feel too hot in them and the bottom colored section is mesh so it's nice and airy down there. I found these at Dick's Sporting Goods and they come in this and one other color and are actually on sale right now for $51!

Check them out here!

If you're looking for something a little cheaper, there's always good workout pants at Target! I like the Champion brand and they offer similar styles as most sporting stores. These are a good pop of color if you like to be colorful at the gym. They have a great material that stay tight and fitted and are lightweight so will help keep you sweat free. 

Get them here and hurry because they are currently only $24.

Warning: the last pant I am about to talk about is a bit pricey, but are a favorite of many. It's the beloved Lululemon yoga pants. Lululemon tends to be expensive, but I think the quality is worth it (these pants will last you a lifetime). These are plain black so you can wear them to the gym or as your daily casual legging. They are also high wasted which a plus in my opinion. The material in Lululemon pants are a soft cotton but somehow don't feel hot and heavy during a workout. These sell for $98 (I warned you!) but in my opinion are worth every dollar.

Check them out here, or browse around and find your own favorite lulu pant.

Here's a few other places where I like to buy pants so check them out! (Click on the name to be directed to their website).

Now get your pants on and head to your workout so we can get

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


That's what I would describe myself as. Recently I found myself thinking seriously about fitness and clean eating, and with that decided to dive right in and start a fitness journey. My name is Blakely and I am a 22 year old who lived the furthest thing from a healthy lifestyle. However, one day I woke up and decided I was tired of always feeling exhausted and sick because of the food I was eating and my lack of exercise. So I decided to change that. I chose the name Healthy-ish because I consider myself to be kinda healthy, although I do try hard to stick to the healthy lifestyle, I do mess up and occasionally find myself eating gummy bears and no bake cookies. This blog is for people like me out there, who are trying to be healthier and don't exactly know where to start. I'll post different meal plans, workout routines, healthy (but yummy) recipes and also inspiration for the healthy-ish people like me.