

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Healthy Sweet Treats.

You read it right! There are such things as healthy sweet treats, and here's one of my favorites. This is a recipe for a healthy take on the beloved Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I'll probably be making this every week because it is so delicious and makes me not miss chocolate so much ;)

- Chocolate flavored protein powder of your choice (for this I used UNJURY which is also a meal replacement which can be found here)
- Fat free or low fat milk (I LOVE organic milk, so that is what I used)
- Bell Plantation PB2 powdered peanut butter (can be found at your local grocery store)
- Water

Let's get started! First put 7 tablespoons of PB2 and 1/3 cup of water into a bowl and mix until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Next, you will mix one scoop of protein powder and 1/3 cup of milk. You can either do this in a bowl or in a shaker bottle. I mixed mine in a shaker bottle so it was quick and easy!

Next, spoon in the peanut butter mixture into tinfoil muffin wrappers and place in a muffin pan. This recipe only makes about 5, so if you want a bigger serving just add in more ingredients!

After you've spooned all the peanut butter in, you will pour the protein mix on top and let it fall around the sides as well. 

Almost done! Place the pan in the freezer and allow to freeze for 4 hours. Once frozen, allow around 3-5 minutes to thaw and then dig in! It's best if you eat it while it is still chilled or will start to melt and be a bit messy.

And there you have it, a healthy sweet treat! 

So head on into your kitchen and make some of these cups so you can continue to be 

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post Blakely. Hopefully this will help me with my battle to give up chocolate. Keep up the good work.
