

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Food Through a Window.

Going to the drive through is bad, we all know it and yet we all do it. WHY DO WE DO IT???? It's easy, fast, yummy, cheap and so many other reasons. But let's talk about the not so good things about it. It's packed with empty calories and fat, it leaves you feeling sick, and if you do often the pounds will add up quick.

So let's break up with fast food. I've been trying to avoid eating there unless absolutely necessary, and it is, I pick the healthier option. How do we go about breaking up with fast food?

Make meals before you leave the house. Making food before you leave, or even at the beginning of the week save you time for those days you are so busy you want to cry. When it's made before hand you won't have to be running around the kitchen in a panic trying to whip dinner up really quick. That way, on your way home from work you won't be tempted to stop by and get fast good because you know you have it all made waiting for you at home.

Have a snack in your car/in your desk at work. We all make terrible decisions when we are hungry. So always have a healthy snack with you and then you won't be starving later and end up snacking on a whole bag of chips or cookies. Some snacks I like to keep close are almonds, baby carrots, apple with peanut butter, or trail mix! These will help tide you over until dinner time.

Take the long way. If you're like me and you have awful self-control when it comes to food, do yourself a favor and don't drive by your favorite fast food place. So many times I haven't even been that hungry but I drove by my beloved Chic-fil-a or McDonald's and I headed straight for the line. THIS IS A NO NO! Take a different route, it's as easy as that.

It's time to break up with fast food, and if you're having a hard time doing that just use the over used  break up line "it's not you it's me."

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